Sonia Mason

Non-Executive Director – Safeguarding

Sonia’s role is…

To offer support and guidance to the Board, as well as expertise and an objective perspective on the areas of safeguarding, athlete welfare, wellbeing and duty of care

What’s keeping Sonia busy:

  • Working with the Board to ensure a robust and timely response to the findings of the recent Whyte Review and the Independent Safeguarding Review of Welsh Gymnastics.
  • Promoting the safeguarding and well-being of gymnasts, coaches and staff across all areas of Board activity.

Gymnastics history: Having enjoyed gymnastics as a child, through her school and local club, Sonia later continued her love of the sport as the parent of a gymnast and as an enthusiastic follower of British gymnasts on the world stage.
Sonia is passionate in her belief that children’s participation in sports, brings a host of physical, mental and social benefits and through her work with the Board of Welsh Gymnastics, she strives to ensure participation in gymnastics offers a safe and supportive space for children and young people to flourish as athletes


More about Sonia: Sonia has worked in senior Safeguarding Children management roles in the NHS and other health provider organisations for over 20 years. She has an MSc in Child Health and has been involved in a number of safeguarding Child Practice Reviews and Serious Case Reviews across England and Wales. Besides her appointment to the Board of Welsh Gymnastics in September 2022, Sonia is an Independent Panel Member for a large fostering agency and also works as a clinical reviewer, inspecting safeguarding arrangements across health services in Wales.

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