Welsh Gymnastics want everyone to enjoy a fun, positive experience where gymnasts can fulfil their potential in an environment safe from any form of abuse.

Lisa OConnell


Safeguarding advice and guidance can also be received from emailing safeguarding@welshgymnastics.org or calling 02920334978.

How we will process your concern

Step 1

Please submit your concern using the form below or call Welsh Gymnastics’ Safeguarding Officer on 02920 334978.

Step 2

Your concern will be acknowledged within 48 hours. If the concern reaches a threshold immediate action will be taken.

Step 3

Concern will be reviewed and allocated to the appropriate team who will acknowledge receipt of your concern.

Step 4

The team will aim to resolve your complaint within 28 working days or provide further information as to why it will require more time to resolve and provide a further date of which you should expect an update.

Report your concern below and we will get back to you.