Welsh Gymnastics are a not for profit organisation, with all profits reinvested into the development of our sport. WG are governed by a skills-based board who role is to set the strategy and advise of policy, procedures and governance of the sport in Wales.  

The three current priorities for the board are:  

1. The new organisational strategy from 2025

2. Leading the culture of gymnastics in Wales  

3. Implementing a safe and inclusion sport plan  

Welsh Gymnastics Governance Policies  


Our Partners

Welsh Gymnastics’ partners and sponsors

Our partners and sponsors are a vital part of our mission to spread the joy of gymnastics and improve our competitive success. We owe an enormous ‘thank you’ to every organisation and individual involved with us.

Yearly updates on development in Welsh Gymnastics are provided in our Annual Reports.

End of year accounts

  • March 2022
  • March 2021
  • March 2020

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